
Monday, January 11, 2016

What is Science and Scientists?

What is Science and Scientists?

The Layman has a very fair idea of the meaning of the word science, He feels that science include subjects like astronomy, chemistry, and biology. He is not so sure whether engineering or medicine in science or not . But he quite sure that politics history, art and religion are not science.

The Scientist is more interested in doing scientific work than in defining it. He sometimes say that a book is unscientific and usually means that it is inexact; that it is badly arranged, He also means that the author of the book has jumped to conclusions without sufficient evidence, or that the author has allowed his personal prejudices to influence his report.

By scientific work he means that which is as exact as possible, orderly in arrangement, and based on sound and sufficient evidence. A true scientist must have no object except to find out the truth.

We may define science as a vast collection of facts expressed in exact and clear language such a manner that any one can test their trust. It is also a collection of rules or law in the connection between two facts.

In the old days men hunted for knowledge in a random sort of way and believe each other's statements without testing them, science made little progress. Once they began to make sure that their facts were right by doing experiments, science began to make progress. 


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